Monday, March 2, 2020

Support Your Faith

2 Peter 1:3-11

Imagine you have to drive somewhere, somewhere you’ve never been. But, instead of looking at a map, you decide to just wing it. Or, imagine you’re going to build a house, but instead of using a blueprint, you decide to just start hammering boards together. For myself, just the thought of drive somewhere I’ve never been without even looking at a map is just unnerving to me. Nonetheless, if a person did that, they might get lost or disoriented along the way, but they would probably reach their destination, eventually. Someone can build a house without a blueprint, but chances are things won’t go as smoothly as it would if they had used one. And, I would say something similar is true for the Christian faith.

The Works Testify

John 10:19-33 In this passage the religious leaders are going to say to Jesus, “Tell us plainly if you’re the Messiah or not.” And Jesus’s...